Research Wing - ACS&L lab

The Applied Coaching Science & Leadership Lab

Building innovative coaching concept foundations for leaders and coaches to stand on and delivering high impact results to our clients.

About research lab

uExcelerate's Applied Coaching Science and Leadership Lab

uExcelerate’s Applied Coaching Science and Leadership Lab works extensively to provide empirical insights that will help create strong coaching relationships, maximize the impact of your coaching journey, build strong internal coaching cultures, and enhance your own, your team’s, and organization’s professional and personal development.


Capabilities The lab's work at a glance

uThe ACS&L Lab conducts in-depth, rigorous research in the fields of

Building Concept Foundations

  • UEXCEL® Coaching Model
  • UEXCEL® Coaching ROI Calculator
  • UEXCEL 7C® Coaching Culture Maturity Model and Assessment
  • The customizable Coaching Tools Library
  • The RIGHT-FIT® Coach-Coachee Matching Algorithm

Coaching Science and Coaching Psychology

  • Coach Preferences and Perceptions of Effective Coach-Coachee Matching Research
  • EMCC Taskforce – Ethics Workgroup for Digital & AI
  • ICF’s Advisory Group for the Coaching Platform Coalition
  • IIT Hyderabad Research on Factors that determine the success of internal coaching cultures

Leadership Development

  • uExcelerate’s Competency Dictionary
  • The Leadership Playbook -Building Agile, Compassionate and Innovative Leaders at Every Level
  • Individual Development Plan – Steps and Templates

Adult Learning

  • Coaching Program Frameworks (Women Leadership, DE&I, Leader as a Coach)
  • Build a Sustainable Coaching Culture (e-Book)
  • The Six Step Guide to Building an Internal Coaching Culture

We partner and collaborate with highly qualified and experienced coaching professionals around the world to bring you the best research and content possible.